Thursday, May 26, 2011

These, Are the Days of Our Lives.

I didn't want to tarnish big sis's bday with a story of next-door-neighbor-dude-drama soap opera. So now that LJP has had 1 day to be 30, I can fill you in.

While I was off sipping mimosas at J&J's gift opening, NPZ and his Daddy-O were at the house starting the fence project. NPZ was able to find only 1 of 4 property line pins so determining property lines was a huge hassle. NPZ and Dad strung a few lines and decided, to be safe, that they would angle the fence in towards our house and make enough room for next-door-neighbor-dude to get his lawn mower between our fence and his garden.

Next-door-neighbor-dude (NDND) came out immediately once he saw there was someone outside, and of course, had something to say about EVERYTHING. This guy thinks he's the king of the neighborhood or something. Finally, NPZ got fed up with his bossy ways when he started ordering NPZ Dad around.

I was not there, NPZ gave me this recap:

NDND -In NPZ's best drunken voice impression: Well, you really gotta have it line up with this pole here (pointing to a pole in his garden that is leaning so far into our property that it could almost be considered ours)

NPZ: No, we can't do that, if we put the fence there, it would like up directly with the side of our house. How would we get into it?

NDND: (pissed now that NPZ has dared to defy him) Well then your just gonna have to get a f-ing survey.

NPZ: (now fuming from previous events+this new one) You know what NDND? Mind your own f-ing business. Leave me alone, leave my wife alone, stay off my property. Dont be coming over when I'm not home, dont come over and tell my insurance people things, just leave us be.*

NDND: (Walks away)

*Im pretty sure this is the PG-13 rated version for my delicate feminine ears.

Now, NPZ gets all anxious when he has a riff between himself and someone he has to see often, but is feeling good about sticking up for himself. NPZ and NPZ Dad continue on with their plans after reviewing some plats and arial views that city gave us.

45 minutes later. NDND comes out to apologize, and get this, he's crying. YES! Crying! (I never expexcted that twist!) Telling NPZ that he's lonely and stuff. (Personally, I don't think that being lonely is an excuse to come over to our house and tell our insurance adjuster that we don't need anything) NPZ told NDND to go home.

NDND has not bothered us or even come out of his house since the incident. Which, I have to say, is kind of nice.



Laynie said...

You should become an author. Just caught up on your blog since npzs bday, and even though I've heard all these stories before, its even better to read them! I think I like to use the"I'm crazy busy" excuse but when that spell's over, I'm truly inspired by blogging again! Love all the pics and the fencing looks great. Can't wait to see it today! I don't know if I told you about my bday present both to and from John, but were bringing it today. I can hardly wait to see your reaction. We may have 1-upped npz. He's going to be soooo jealous! Lovesxx

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