Saturday, November 17, 2012

3 Monthiversary

Yesterday marked 3 months since my last visit to the doctor. And how does one celebrate such an occasion? By going to the doctor, of course!
I had my follow up appointment scheduled a few weeks ago when I was feeling on the baby making bandwagon again. I have so many questions between my last appointment and now that I had questions on. What will happen if I get pregnant again? Will I get pregnant again? What can I do to make it 'stick' this time?
We went over how I have been feeling the last few months and honestly, I am feeling much better physically and emotionally. I am glad I gave myself time to heal in between but I also can't help but feel a little sense of urgency to conceive with yet another birthday looming. My problem now with conceiving is that a cycle for me is now anywhere from 4-6 weeks (which would be awesome in any other circumstance). My doctor talked to me about the few things that could be causing that and ordered up some blood work. I have a family history on hypothyroidism in my mom, and my sister was recently diagnosed. This was something that the doctor was concerned about.
Rightfully so because as it turns out I have it too.
That explains a few things. I'm bummed to have this along with my female relatives, but I'm also relieved that it is something that I can control and might possibly help with successfully becoming pregnant.
I haven't done a ton of research on it...mostly I'm starting to hate googling medical problems, the Internet is full of hypochondriacs and worst case scenarios. I'm feeling more optimistic than I have in a long time. :)



Lesa Herrmann said...

So happy you have gained some insight into things! Good luck as you start the journey again!

Lesa Herrmann said...

Thought of you today and decided to check in to see how things are going! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism just a few months ago so I am learning more about it too! I hope you are doing well.

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