Saturday, July 23, 2011


We have been feeling so lucky. Not only because we get to have each other forever, but because of our family and friends. We have received an outpouring of support that we never knew we had. This is my 'Thank you' post to everyone who has been there for us. It is also a post to show just what we've been doing with your generosity!

NPZ was SO excited to use his NEW Weed Whip. This is our very first new (and not just new to us) lawn equipment!

We grilled out on our 5 year (dating) anniversary, we just couldn't skip such a big milestone, even though we had been married for a few days. NPZ's lovely coworkers got us a grilling kit apron which we love and a thermometer steak fork which we tested out.

NPZ's coworkers also got him this nifty beer bird contraption. It made for a perfect Sunday night dinner - we were able to grill even though we saw some showers because it took about an hour and a half to cook it...lets just say it was TOTALLY worth the wait! YUM! This birdy here came out of the freezer that my folks bought us as a wedding gift! NPZ was so excited about the freezer, I could hear him singing in his female voice about how awesome it was while I was organizing closets!
Speaking of cleaning....Before the wedding this is what my house looked like!

It was awful! I tried and tried to keep all this as organized as I could, but the best I could do was to make sure there was a walking path! I'm definitely glad we bought a house before planning the wedding because if this was all in our 1 bedroom apartment I think I would have lost my mind.

We loaded it all up two days before the wedding and I got my spare room back!

Big Blue did the trick and we were able to fit all of the stuff plus the flower in one trip! We were pretty tired and thirsty after though ;)

I spent last weekend doing this to 3 of my closets- and my heart palpitations have subsided. I went to target and picked up some shelving which ended up only costing about $35.00 a closet and I got so much more storage space out of my mini closets. (Notice all my new towels? Awesome shower gifts from some pretty generous ladies!)

Thanks Again!


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