Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Good Husband

Last night I started drinking at 5:06 pm. It had been a rough week at work to say the least. (Caution: The following is a rant) I was swamped with problems all week and to top it off my boss was really thinking his dick made him smarter than me. I'm seriously considering a sex change just to prove that my brain function is normal...but then again, I wouldn't want to do anything that would satisfy this jerk. Sis LJP pointed out to me that he may just have a severe case of little man syndrome, which is the likely cause of the male superiority complex in my office considering that the two worst are the two smallest dudes in the office. Regardless, I don't really think that it is an excuse to be so arrogant or condescending towards women.
Obviously you can see my week pissed me off and my rant up there was off subject besides that it was the reason I was drinking the moment I got home on Friday. Luckily, I came home to my awesome husband.
I ended up in bed early and slept in until 9, which was needed. When I walked downstairs NPZ had cleaned the ENTIRE house. What?!?  This was his first Saturday off since the wedding, and typically I clean the house on Satuday while he's at work. I don't mind this arrangement, but it was actually just what I needed today.
How did I get such a great guy?



Lesa Herrmann said...

Isn't it great when the hubby does something unexpected! Since I am
new to the blog thing I wasn't sure if a comment after yours on my post would be sent to you. I definately think it would work on a lamp shade! That is a super cute idea actually...I might steal it and make a coordinating lamp! It would work on anything canvas like that doesn't need to be washed!

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