With the lease almost up on the black car, NPZ and I knew it was time to start looking into a new vehicle for him. With all the dream shopping and yard work planning- we knew the new vehicle must be a pick up. It was a struggle for us to decide on what to get because we know that car seats are peaking around the corner. (I'd say my car is safe enough for a baby on board sticker, as long as Toyota doesn't recall anything on it)
NPZ managed somehow to find an excellent deal on a 1995 F150. Its not the prettiest thing I have ever seen, but it has 64,000 miles on it and NPZ says it drives like a dream.
He took me there to show it to me last night, and the bottom feeders (as I call them) or vultures (as NPZ calls them) were out in full force. I don't know what it is about fast talking sales men, but I cant stand them. I almost barfed when I heard Denny (our own personal bottom-feeder) had told NPZ that his parents did a great job raising him and that he was a 'good boy'. I told NPZ that he had better get on the line right away with his folks and let them know what Denny thought...dork.
Anyways, NPZ is great at negotiating prices and got a really good deal. I have to say there is something very attractive about this quality that he has.
Anyways, here's big blue.
I can't picture NPZ driving this yet, it a far cry from his usual digs:
Or his super cool work car...purple power...
I definately dont see a place to put a car seat in the new truck, but I can see this with some wooden fencing and some pavers in the back end of it! Also, another perk of this is craigslist finds! We have really never been able to scoop up good deals because we are always taking too long to find transportation for the goods. So I will definitely be hitting up craigslist this weekend!