Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Holy Matrimony.

Today is my sister's wedding anniversary. And while I am extremely happy for her and her hubby JJP, I can't help but reflect on my upcoming marriage, selfish, I know.

JJP & LJP have a great marriage and a great family. They are still very much in love and I get a lot of advice from them, not just what they tell me but also what I see them do. In a world of disfunctional relationships, it's a breath of fresh air to see a couple who compliments each other so well. The things that she struggles with he excels at, and vice versa. They are constantly teaching one another new ways to view situations. I sometimes get caught off guard by the amount of loyalty and devotion that the two have for one another. You rarely see that anymore. Regardless of the situation they always try their hardest to put themselves in the other's shoes. I think that is true love.

I am actually feeling a bit emotional thinking about marrying NPZ. In a lot of instances in my life, I have felt like nothing would ever work out or go right for me. But with NPZ, I feel like every other disappointment has been worth it to get the grand prize at the end. I know marriage is tough, and you have to work really hard at it, but I am willing to do that forever with NPZ.

I've also been wondering when I would stop caring about all the little stuff, all the big stuff- well all the wedding stuff in general. And......I think it's here.

The whole wedding planning process I have been aware that this stuff is really just that, stuff. But I still cared. I always care what people think and since I am a judgmental person, I think they will all judge me.

I think that is over now though. I am genuinely feeling like - this is our day, it's no one else's. They can think what they want about whatever, but it is what it is.

It's about us and about us getting married. I'm excited now, not because I have a lot of cool stuff to show people. But because I am going to marry a great guy that I love very much.

I'm sure that LJP & JJP would agree on their wedding anniversary that their marriage and the party they threw afterwards was only a kick-off to the many amazing moments to come.

Happy Anniversary to LJP & JJP! Thank you for all your insight over the years!


Laynie said...

*tears* thanks! Huge compliments!

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